Guebuza invites to continuous fight for peace in the passage of 80 years of life

Guebuza convida à luta contínua pela paz na passagem dos 80 ano de vida

Promoting and continuing to mobilize the Mozambican people to remain steadfast in the fight for peace is the message that the former President of the Republic Armando Guebuza conveyed yesterday in Maputo, during the symposium organized to celebrate his 80th birthday..

Speaking to journalists, Guebuza described the moment as one of joy and beauty, as it brought together friends, family and comrades from long struggles in the process of transforming the country and building Mozambicanity.

"The greatest satisfaction is gratitude and the main message is that we must continue to fight for peace. At the moment we don't even have peace of mind, so everyone in their sector must fight for peace. As journalists, you must also mobilize people to fight for their rights," said Guebuza, for whom the way to achieve this peace and tranquillity is through the unity of Mozambicans.

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