The President of the Republic, Filipe Nyusi, and the leader of Renamo, Ossufo Momade, announced Tuesday that they will close the last five military bases of the main opposition party in the coming weeks.
This yet to be taken measure follows under the Peace agreement signed in 2019 and pursuing the Disarmament, Demobilization and Reintegration (DDR) process of Renamo men, in the Defense and Security Forces.
"The leaders agreed that in the coming weeks the DDR process will resume with the aim of closing the five remaining Renamo bases and creating the necessary conditions for the remaining combatants to return home," says a statement from the Mozambican Presidency issued Tuesday (05.04) after a meeting between Filipe Nyusi and Ossufo Momade in Maputo.
The note quoted by the portal DW says that the Military Affairs Commission and the Joint Technical Groups for DDR will guide the activities on the ground in the coming days and a group will also be created to analyze the problem of pension arrears of the demobilized guerrillas.
The Maputo Peace and National Reconciliation Agreement was signed in August 2019 by the head of state and the Renamo president, providing, among other things, for the DDR of the armed arm of the main opposition party.
Under the Maputo Peace and National Reconciliation Agreement, according to official data, 63% of the estimated 5,000 Renamo guerrillas have already surrendered their weapons, and of the 16 Renamo bases, 11 have already been deactivated.
The agreement was the third between the government and Renamo, all three having been signed after cycles of armed violence, mainly in the center of the country.