Government promises measures if it is proven that Naparamas killed STAE agents

Governo promete medidas caso fique provado que Naparamas mataram agentes do STAE

The Mozambican government says it is working to clarify the case involving the deaths of three civic electoral education agents.

According to the Executive, "pertinent" measures will be taken in the case in which traditional paramilitaries - Naparamas - are suspected of the death of three members of the Technical Secretariat for Electoral Administration (STAE), in charge of electoral civic education in Cabo Delgado.

The assurance was given on Tuesday (12) by Filimão Suaze, spokesman for the Council of Ministers, after an ordinary session.

"The government is aware of the circulation of this information. The Ministry that oversees the area of public order and security is on the ground with various teams to understand what happened and to take the relevant actions so that it doesn't happen again," said the spokesperson, quoted by RFI.

It is recalled that the incident took place in Katapua in the district of Chiúre, where the civic electoral education agents were questioned by the Naparamas, a paramilitary force that assists the troops in the fight against terrorism in Cabo Delgado.

The three civic education agents were working to raise awareness among the population, in preparation for the voter registration campaign that runs from March 15 to April 28, in the run-up to the general elections scheduled for October 9. Despite the justifications, the agents were mistaken for terrorists and were beaten to death.

This Tuesday, the Center for Democracy and Development (CDD) had called for the condemnation of this paramilitary force.

The Naparamas are Mozambican paramilitaries who emerged in the 1980s during the civil war, combining traditional knowledge and mystical elements to fight their enemies, acting as a community.

In recent weeks, Cabo Delgado province has seen new movements and attacks by rebel groups, limiting circulation to a few points on the few paved roads that give access to various districts.

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