Government sets special one-call exams for the 20th

Governo marca para dia 20 exames especiais de chamada única

The special general secondary school exams for students who were unable to take them in December due to the teachers' strike are scheduled for January 20-24.

However, students will have to explain their reasons for not taking part in the final assessments, according to the Ministry of Education and Human Development.

The education sector says that it will be on the basis of the justifications to be given by the students that the sector will best position itself in this new window opened for special exams.

Parents must give a written undertaking and accept responsibility if their child fails the exams without good reason.

"I think we've all seen in the media, students and teachers tearing up exams, sabotaging exams, but the most important thing for us is to assess the students," said the Deputy Minister of Education and Human Development, Manuel Bazo.

The government official was speaking to the press this Monday in Marracuene, Maputo province.

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