Government imports nearly a million and a half million vaccines to fight foot-and-mouth disease

Governo importa perto de milhão e meio de vacinas para o combate à febre aftosa

The Livestock authorities started a few days ago the process of importing 1,499,100 doses of vaccine against foot-and-mouth disease to respond to the outbreak of the disease, which has already been confirmed in the districts of Chifunde and Marávia, in Tete.

The purchase of the immunizers, to be administered to more than 750,000 cattle herds in high-risk areas, comes at a time when the southern African region is under an outbreak of the O viral strain of foot-and-mouth disease.

The scenario led experts from the region to meet to draw up an action plan to stop the spread of the disease. So far, in addition to Mozambique, the disease has been reported in Malawi, Zambia and South Africa, raising the high alert in this part of the African continent.

A source from the National Directorate for Livestock Development (DNDP) said a few days ago that the vaccines should be purchased in Botswana.

According to Notícias, the distribution of the vaccines will take into account the vulnerability of the regions to the fever, focusing on the border districts of Maputo, Gaza, Manica, Tete, Niassa and Zambézia.

Following the confirmation of cases of foot-and-mouth disease in Tete, the national authorities decided to ban the movement of cattle, goats, pigs and sheep throughout the province of Tete, destined for breeding and slaughter.

As part of the measures to stop the spread of the disease, the transit of fodder to feed livestock from the districts of Chifunde, Maravia and Macanga, and the concentration of animals for any purpose without the permission of the veterinary authority was also suspended.

The circulation of animals in the rest of the country is only allowed, once the procedures for the internal transit of the animals and/or their products are observed, such as carrying a credential/authorization and a certificate of registration of the means of transport, issued by the competent authority.

Excepted from these restrictions is the movement of animals for slaughter from fenced-in farms in the affected districts after inspection by the veterinary authority of the integrity of the fences and the animals.

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