Residents of four communities in the Massangena district, Gaza province, are living in a climate of panic and fear due to the movement of lions that has taken place in recent days in the region.
According to Rádio Moçambique, three lions have escaped from Zinave National Park in Inhambane province and in less than a month have devoured 30 head of cattle in four communities.
The administrator of the Massangena district, Sancho Humbana, said that the most recent case of lions in the region was last Tuesday, when the felines devoured a calf in the village of Mabanhe
Due to the situation, Humbana made it known that the district government is already working in partnership with the Zinave National Park to mitigate the human/wildlife conflict, where inspectors from that conservation area are assisting the district in chasing away lions that create panic in the communities. (Source:RM)
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