Frelimo says kidnapping wave is causing capital flight from Mozambique

Frelimo diz que onda de raptos está a provocar fuga de capitais de Moçambique

The Frelimo Party, warned yesterday that kidnappings in Mozambican cities are causing a flight of capital and the retraction of investments, calling on the authorities to fight this type of criminality.

"These phenomena have retracted the attraction of investment and contributed to the export [flight] of capital," said Sergio Pantie, head of the Frelimo party caucus in Parliament.

"We urge the authorities to continue to redouble their efforts to investigate and clarify these cases," said the head of the Frelimo caucus during the opening speech of the plenary sessions of parliament.

The source called on the population to be vigilant and to report suspected cases of kidnappings and abductions that occur in neighborhoods and workplaces.

Sergio Pantie noted that "the wave of kidnappings" is "haunting" the lives of Mozambicans, "particularly in the big cities."

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