Forquilha files complaint against Nuvunga over accusations of selling the electoral truth

Forquilha submete queixa contra Nuvunga por acusações de venda da verdade  eleitoral

Alberto Forquilha, through his party (PODEMOS), today filed a criminal complaint with the Maputo City Prosecutor's Office against Professor Adriano Nuvunga for accusing him of boycotting the electoral truth for 219 million meticais.

PODEMOS demands that Adriano Nuvunga provide clear proof and specific data on the receipt of the amount he claims.

Dulesio Chico, spokesman for the PODEMOS party, also said that Forquilha has not yet been notified by the Central Office for Combating Corruption about the accusations and is demanding that Nuvunga present concrete evidence to back up his allegations.

With the criminal complaint submitted, the PODEMOS party hopes that the Maputo City Prosecutor's Office will notify Adriano Nuvunga to bring out the truth.

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