Local Forces Shoot 18 Terrorists in Nangade

Local forces of the village Liché, administrative post of Ntamba, district of Nangade, admit to have killed in an ambush 18 terrorists who on October 27, from 17 to 20:00 hours, attacked that community, burning more than two hundred huts and almost all commercial establishments, having looted the goods, however, with no record of fatalities, writes the newspaper Carta de Moçambique.

According to "Carta" a member of the local force who asked not to be identified said that the group of attackers, of more than 30 elements, some of whom communicating in the Kimwani language (spoken in some coastal districts of Cabo Delgado), fell into the ambush around 9:00 pm, shortly after leaving the village loaded with many goods on their heads.

"On Thursday, they made such a scandal, from 5 to 8 p.m., they had stolen everything, goats, rice and more..., but we were in position, they went in, we killed many, including their chief named Machude," the local force element told quoted by the source, later adding that other terrorists were wounded.

The dead were accounted for the following day (28), the same day that, in response to the casualties suffered, the terrorists once again attacked the village Liché in less than 24 hours, forcing the total abandonment of the population to Ntamba-sede and to the reception center of Mualela.

In the second attack, which began at 11:00 pm, as explained by the local force element, the terrorists went with women, to simulate a conversation, as a way to invite people to return to the village, but the strategy did not work, since the population had already taken refuge to the hiding places.

On Saturday and Sunday morning, the same group attacked the production centers of Muhia and Mbuyuni, where sources say they beheaded a citizen near a well, locally called Nampula, and kidnapped several people. (Letter)

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