Filipe Nyusi and Ossufo Momade reaffirm commitment to reintegration of former Renamo guerrillas

Filipe Nyusi e Ossufo Momade reafirmam compromisso com reintegração dos antigos guerrilheiros da Renamo

The President of the Republic, Filipe Nyusi, met last Friday, 7, in Maputo, with the leader of the opposition Renamo party, Ossufo Momade, to discuss the Demobilization, Demilitarization and Reintegration (DDR) process of the guerrillas of the former rebel movement.

The note released at first by the UN Secretary-General's representative in Mozambique, Mirko Manzoni, reports that the two leaders reaffirmed their commitment to DDR, but gives no details of the meeting.

Political analysts contacted by VOA do not rule out the possibility that Nyusi and Ossufo also discussed the issue of district elections, whose holding in 2024 is in doubt, despite having been agreed between the government and Renamo.

It should be noted that last week, in an interview to VOA, the political analyst Ismael Mussá suggested that Filipe Nyusi and Ossufo Momade meet to discuss this issue, which the government argues is necessary to deepen in order to avoid the overlapping of powers between the elected bodies

Renamo, however, says that the process should take place as established by the Constitution of the Republic.

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