FDS will still evaluate whether there were excesses and the use of real bullets by the PRM

FDS ainda vão avaliar se houve excessos e uso de balas verdadeira pela PRM

The Defense and Security Forces (FDS) will "certainly" still be working to assess whether there were any excesses in the actions of the Mozambique Republic Police (PRM) during the protests against electoral fraud and the murders of Elvino Dias and Paulo Guambe, according to the government spokesman.

Yesterday's demonstrations resulted in one death, several injuries and arrests across the country. In Tete province alone, more than 70 people were arrested. In the city of Maputo, the epicenter of the protests, one person died after being shot by the PRM, and the demonstrations continued throughout the afternoon. The police even flew a helicopter overhead, dropping tear gas grenades into homes. The police also resorted to using real bullets to quell the developments.

Filimão Suaze also said that the work should establish whether the PRM used lethal bullets against the demonstrators or whether opportunists fired the lethal bullets.

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