It was through a press release that the da Luz family made it known that "as a family, we have taken the initiative to register the brand ′Mano Azagaia, Povo no Poder′ with the competent authorities, so all matters related to the use of this, be it a show, the production of visibility materials, including posters, t-shirts, caps, flyers and any other forms of production or reproduction of associated goods must be authorized by the family."
In the same statement that MZNews had access to, the family appealed to "to all promoters of events and related activities and those interested in the production and reproduction of articles with the Mano Azagaia brand to approach the family to request the respective authorization in writing and with the signature of those legally responsible for the brand through the following contacts: e-mail: WhatsApp: 824676940 facebook: Mano azagaia management
The da Luz family would like to reiterate its deep gratitude "to everyone, without exception, for their gestures of affection and love, for the warm hugs they gave us and for the material support they gave us. Our thanks are immense and we pray to
God bless you all."
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