Lack of meals for hospital patients

Faltam refeições para doentes internados nos hospitais

In national hospitals there is a shortage of meals for inpatients, who are only served two a day, complained the President of the Mozambican Medical Association.

According to Napoleão Viola, the food that arrives at patients' bedsides doesn't have the necessary protein content for recovery. Quoted by STV, he noted that, in some cases, deaths occur due to lack of meals.

"In many hospitals in this country, they only serve two meals a day, because there is no food available in those facilities. Even the dietary balance from a nutritional point of view has been greatly affected," he noted.

He believes that health units should focus on food products such as meat, eggs and some dairy products.

He also said that it's not uncommon for doctors to pool their own money to buy medicines that don't exist in the health system and save patients' lives.

For Viola, it is urgent to fight corruption in the country in order to solve around 90% of its problems.

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