Holders of Prospecting and Exploration Licenses for Mineral Resources in Niassa are at risk of losing their licenses.icenses for inactivity, and encouraging illegal mining.
At the moment, there are more than 40 idle companies, and they have licenses in the districts of Marrupa, Lago and Sanga. Since they obtained their licenses, they have never been on the ground to carry out their activities.
The measure will cover licensees who have not complied with the research plan for more than five years.
Quoted by RM, Silvino Bonomar, Delegate of the National Mining Institute, noted that this is deterring others interested in the sector, and is encouraging illegal mining.
"There are idle areas. For this situation, the sector is working to identify the areas based on the annual monitoring of mining activity. When the holders are absent, the licenses are submitted for a revocation notice, to minimize the occurrence of idle land," he said.
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