Mozambican students once again benefit from scholarships to Hungary

Estudantes moçambicanos voltam a beneficiar de bolsas de estudo para Hungria

The Republic of Hungary has resumed awarding scholarships to Mozambican students, a move that marks the resumption of historic cooperation relations for the formation of human capital between the two countries, which was interrupted shortly after the 1990s.

To this end, according to the newspaper Notícias, a memorandum of understanding has been signed making the "Stipendium Hungaricum" scholarship program possible, by the Ministry of Science, Technology and Higher Education (MCTES), through the Institute of Scholarships, Public Institute (IBE, I.P) and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade of the Republic of Hungary.

Under the program, 20 students, including 10 from the undergraduate and postgraduate courses and an equal number from the doctoral level, will benefit from a full scholarship in Hungary for a period of three years.

The agreement is partly the result of Hungary's friendly relations and cooperation with Mozambique and the efforts made by the IBE, IP under the supervision of the Minister of Science, Technology and Higher Education (MCTES) to find national and foreign partners who fund scholarships in different countries around the world.

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