Local elections: Former Combatants call for 'confusion' to be avoided in protests against results

Eleições autárquicas: Antigos Combatentes pedem que se evite ‘confusão’ em protestos contra resultados

The Association of Combatants of the National Liberation Struggle (ACLLIN) of Mozambique today called for 'confusion' to be avoided during demonstrations against the results of the local elections in the country, suggesting that the decision of the Constitutional Council (CC) be awaited.

The association of Mozambican veterans of the anti-colonial war acknowledged that there may have been "one mistake or another" in the October 11 ballot, saying that we should wait for the decision of the CC, the country's highest electoral judicial body, which is responsible for validating and proclaiming the election results.

"There may have been one mistake or another in the process and that's normal. But from what we've heard from the president of the National Electoral Commission, the elections were transparent, everyone took part and the observers were there," said Fernando Faustino, quoted by Lusa.

He also pointed out that the right to demonstrate is provided for by law, but said that the country "doesn't need to make noise day after day" and should focus on its development.

"And this country has all the conditions to be on the map of developed countries in this world, it has everything. It has intelligent people and natural resources," said Faustino. 

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