World Food Day

Dia Mundial da Alimentação

On October 16, World Food Day was celebrated once again. Celebrated for the first time in 1981, this event aims to raise awareness and reflection on the state of the world's food supply. This year, under the slogan "Water is life, water is food. Leave no one behind." the celebrations focused on sustainable water management, as a critical resource for agri-food sustainability.

At a time when the UN estimates that around 780 million people suffer from hunger worldwide, the theme chosen for the World Food Day celebrations invited us to reflect on the impact of what we eat and produce on the availability of drinking water.

Against this backdrop, the slogan "Water is life, water is food. Leave no one behind." aims to alert the world to the need to produce more with less water (and, in general, with fewer resources) and to ensure that this resource is distributed fairly, with no one forgotten.

The management of natural resources depends on a number of entities, such as governments, civil society and academia, among others. However, our attitudes and choices as consumers can play a decisive role in this area.

Opting for local, seasonal and fresh food, rationalizing consumption and reducing water and food waste are some of the tips the FAO gives consumers. These measures help reduce spending on irrigation, energy and logistics and, in general, help reduce the use of key natural resources. In this sense, they help to improve the sustainability of aquatic resources and agri-food systems, towards a better future for all.

Living with less is more!


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