Updated: LAM and Ethiopian Airlines worker arrested for facilitating illegal ore transportation

Actualizado: Detido trabalhador das LAM e Ethiopian Airlines por facilitar transporte minério ilegal

An employee of two airlines, Mozambique Airlines (LAM) and Ethiopian Airlines, is facing police charges for facilitating the transportation of illegal cargo by air.

According to the NewsHe is in the custody of the National Criminal Investigation Service (SERNIC) in Nampula for facilitating the transportation of illegally extracted and traded minerals.

The arrest came about thanks to a tip-off from one of the gold buyers. He was arrested about two weeks ago in possession of 22.5 kilograms of ore.

This citizen confirmed his involvement in a network of illegal mineral purchases, including the employee of those airlines who was responsible for sending the cargo to the countries of the hinterland.

The individual denies his involvement in the illegal mineral trade network.

Last updated on Monday, 21.08.2023

Meanwhile, LAM - via a message circulated and shared with MZNews - claims that this information is untrue because Mozambique Airlines does not have any detained professionals and because ethically "a worker cannot provide services to two airlines at the same time". LAM has therefore asked for the article to be removed and for the truth to be restored.

MZNews therefore contacted the National Criminal Investigation Service (SERNIC) in Nampula today, and the corporation confirmed the fact that the said citizen, assigned to the area of Check In belong simultaneously to LAM and Ethiopian Airlines.

"We have confirmed the arrest of this citizen. We presented this case at the press conference last week. He was assigned to the Check In area. He was arrested in the city of Beira and taken to Nampula where the crime took place," SERNIC spokeswoman Enina Tsinine told MZNews today.

The source said that the legalization of the arrest could take place today or tomorrow "depending on the Public Prosecutor's Office".

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