This week, a scandalous scheme that caused large sums of money to disappear from a National Social Security Institute (INSS) account was revealed in the pages of newspapers.
The scheme involved several people, including senior INSS officials, bank employees and computer experts.
The fraud consisted of making undue payments to beneficiaries of the Compulsory Social Security System between 2017 and 2018. The institution lost more than 400 million meticais.
The case was referred to the Central Anti-Corruption Office for investigation. One arrest has been made, and it is the mastermind of the electronic fraud scheme.
The newspaper reports that the identity of the man now in custody is unknown, but it is known that he is an employee of the institution.
There is, however, no certainty about the number of arrests related to the case, or whether this is a new arrest, since the newspaper says that the arrest took place "days ago". There was already talk of at least one detection when the issue broke in the press.
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