Nigerian national arrested in Mozambique with 18 kilos of cocaine

The Police of the Republic of Mozambique (PRM) arrested a Nigerian man yesterday with 18 kilos of cocaine in coffee sachets, after he landed at Maputo airport from Brazil, said a spokesman for the National Criminal Investigation Service (SERNIC), quoted by Lusa.

In the 54-year-old man's suitcase, there were 36 sachets of coffee and "inside there were other wrapped sachets containing a white powder" and "the test confirmed that it was cocaine", said Hilário Lole, SERNIC's spokesman in Maputo city.

According to the source quoted by the agency, SERNIC already had information about the man's landing, an operation that resulted from the exchange that Mozambique has with other states.

The authorities are investigating the case to find out the final destination of the drugs, which are believed to have come from Brazil, the country where the detainee boarded the plane, and then made a stopover in Qatar.

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