Clandestine clinic in Mocuba dismantled

Desmantelada clínica clandestina em Mocuba

The Republic of Mozambique Police (PRM) in Zambezia province have shut down a clandestine clinic in the central market of the Mocuba district. The clinic was selling medicines from the National Health System and treating patients.

"It was intelligence work that culminated in the dismantling of a clandestine clinic," said the Commander of the PRM in Mocuba, Magid Sumail.

He said that the clandestine clinic had been operating for a long time. In connection with the case, four nationals "who were selling and treating people there" have been arrested.

The Commander said that the file had already been drawn up and sent to the Public Prosecutor's Office for further action.

Among other things, the defendants could be prosecuted for the illegal exercise of activities since they "did not present any certificate of professional qualification".

Health personnel were called in to qualify the drugs and quantify the damage. (Image: DR)

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