The need for public engagement in the fight against terrorism in the country

Da necessidade do engajamento da população no combate ao terrorismo no país


Author: Samir Zacarias, Researcher


As is well known, Cabo Delgado, a province in the north of Mozambique, has been plagued by acts of terrorism that have affected the security and stability of some regions duly located in some districts.

These acts of terrorism have required state agencies and entities to design and implement measures to stop this type of crime. Among the various measures implemented are: (1) the approval of the national assessment of terrorist financing risks by resolution 55/2023 of the Council of Ministers, (2) the creation of the Policy Coordination Committee for Preventing and Combating Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing by resolution 57/2023 of the Council of Ministers, among others.

So to speak, we intend to elaborate on the creation of the National Designated List that derives from Law no. 15/2023 of August 28, which establishes the Legal Regime for the Prevention, Suppression and Combating of Terrorism and the Proliferation of Weapons of Mass Destruction.

In this legal instrument, the Mozambican state can include a list of people, groups, organizations and entities identified as terrorists, foreign terrorist fighters, financiers of terrorism or terrorist organizations, either by the different Resolutions of a competent body such as the United Nations (International) or by the Attorney General of the Republic (National).

The existence of this list makes it possible for the general public to know who is involved in these types of crime and also enables other sectors of activity to fulfill their obligations under the Mozambican legal system. Since its implementation in the first half of 2023, there have so far been two publications, on July 12, 2023 and April 17, 2024 respectively, in which around 62 individuals have been named, 59 of them natural persons and three legal persons.

So why highlight the creation and publication of the list?

As mentioned above, the publication makes it possible for the population to be aware of and thus contribute to the fight against terrorism by publicizing, denouncing and pointing out possible links or events that may be correlated involving those individuals or entities.

In practical terms, how can we encourage the general public to get involved in the fight against terrorism, which is seen as a very sensitive issue?

First of all, we must reaffirm that the fight against terrorism must be the responsibility of society as a whole, and the Mozambican population plays a fundamental role in the fight against this threat. Thus, we note in the publications of the lists of designated persons realized that most of the individuals involved in the recruitment, logistics and execution of attacks are individuals who live and coexist in our communities, and perform well-known functions and professions, including artisanal fishing, formal and informal trade, agriculture, carpentry, among others.

However, the causes and motivations that lead people to join the ranks of terrorists are still unknown. As far as I'm concerned, all the justifications that can be given will be unjustifiable and unacceptable, because the normative order and the interests of the political community must be above any personal or group interest.

Secondly, five measures can be taken to ensure that the general public is more engaged in the fight against terrorism:

  1. Provide the means to report suspicious activity - In this respect, it is important for local structures to open channels for receiving complaints so that the population can channel their concerns and suspicions in their communities. The population should be urged to keep an eye on their surroundings and report any suspicious behavior or movements to the local authorities, as this can help identify potential threats before acts of terrorism occur;


  1. Education and awareness - In this regard, there is an urgent need to educate and sensitize communities on counter-terrorism issues. Local leaders, universities, educational institutions and local associations with various social objectives should promote understanding of the dangers of terrorism and the signs of recruitment by terrorist groups, which can help prevent individuals from joining such groups. Inter-religious and inter-ethnic dialogue should be encouraged as it is essential for promoting social cohesion and preventing radicalization.


  1. Support for Community Initiatives - Community initiatives that promote peace, social cohesion and dialogue between different ethnic and religious groups should be promoted, as this can help prevent the recruitment of individuals by terrorist groups. In this respect, local initiatives need to be given the necessary support and investment to encourage the creation of new jobs for young people, as well as social projects covering all social strata in the affected communities and beyond.


  1. Cooperation with the authorities - coexistence between communities and local authorities must be intensified so that cooperation is natural and based on mutual trust. An example of this is the visits made by the General Commander of the PRM to the affected areas, where he talks to the communities. This example should be replicated at all levels, especially at district and local level, so that the population develops a spirit of trust and cooperation, because only in this way can the community provide useful and crucial information for dismantling terrorist financing networks.


  1. Promoting Values of Tolerance and Respect - there needs to be continuity in promoting values of tolerance, respect for diversity and non-violence in communities, preventing the funding of violent extremism. Governmental and non-governmental organizations should always be guided by these values and principles in their activities and interventions, so that they take root in communities.

To conclude, we believe that the fight against terrorism requires a joint effort by society as a whole, and the population in general has a crucial role to play in this fight. With vigilance, education, community support and cooperation with the authorities, the population can make a significant contribution to promoting peace, security and stability in the affected areas.

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