Covid-19: Unicef and Vodacom donate protection material for over 100,000 children

The United Nations Children's Fund (Unicef) and the operator Vodacom will donate this Wednesday hygiene and protection material against covid-19 for more than 100,000 children in Mozambiqueindicates a note from the entity.

"This donation comes in the context of the third wave of COVID-19 and reflects the joint efforts of UNICEF and the private sector, specifically Vodacom," UNICEF says in the press release.

The support, which includes 1 100 hygiene kits, 220 000 masks, and 1 100 buckets, will be delivered to the Ministry of Education and will benefit students and teachers from schools in four points: provinces of Maputo, Tete, Inhambane, and Maputo City.

"The handover ceremony aims to mobilize other civil society and private sector partners to join UNICEF's efforts, like Vodacom's, to raise awareness among children and the general public about the importance of respecting covid-19 prevention measures in schools, especially in the current context of its third wave, exacerbated by the Delta variant," the note adds.

Since the announcement of the first case in March last year, the country has had more than 1,130 deaths due to covid-19 and more than 100,000 infections, according to the latest updates.

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