More Integrity Consortium and CNE sign memorandum to share electoral information

Consórcio Mais Integridade e CNE assinam memorando para partilha de informações eleitorais

The National Electoral Commission (CNE) and the Mais Integridade consortium, led by CIP, signed a memorandum of understanding this Wednesday to share information on the 2023-2024 electoral process.

The instruments that will guide this partnership were signed by the president of the CNE, Dom Carlos Matsinhe, and the coordinator of the consortium, Edson Cortez.

At the time, Matsinhe explained that the partnership "will help to promote integrity in the Mozambican electoral process", with an emphasis on this year's local elections and the 2024 general elections.

The president of the CNE also said that with the memorandum "Mais Integridade now has the right to access information that is of interest to it, but it also has the duty to support the electoral bodies in making the electoral process credible," he said.

On the occasion, the representative of the consortium thanked the CNE board for its openness in accepting the partnership and promised full cooperation "in favor of transparency and integrity in the process". Edson Cortez said that the consortium's "aim is to ensure that the elections are a time of celebration and that there are no episodes of conflict or tension". (CIP Bulletin)

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