Council of Ministers approves decree on the Organic Statute of the General Health Inspectorate

At its 37th Ordinary Session, the Council of Ministers considered and approved the decree approving the Organic Statute of the General Health Inspectorate.

The Decree establishes the rules of organization and operation of the General Health Inspectorate, with a view to operationalizing Law number 3/2022, of 10 February, the Public Health Law.

The Decree approving the Regulation on Travel and Tourism Agencies and Tourist Information Professionals and repealing Decree 53/2015 of December 31.

The Regulation establishes the legal framework for the installation, operation, functioning and closure of travel and tourism agencies and tourism professionals.

Also at the same session, held this morning, the Council of Ministers considered and approved the Decree creating the National System for the Evaluation and Quality Assurance of Higher Education (SINAQES).

This decree, says the document distributed to the journalist, aims to establish rules and procedures to ensure the promotion and quality guarantees of higher education institutions, courses and programs in all teaching modalities.

Another decree approved during the Council of Ministers session is the National System for the Accumulation and Transfer of Academic Credits (SNATCA).

The decree, according to the government document, establishes the principles, rules and procedures governing the award, accumulation and transfer of academic credits, as well as the resulting student mobility to public and private higher education institutions.

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