PRM General Commander warns of intolerance to deviant behavior in the corporation

Comandante-Geral da PRM avisa para intolerância a comportamentos desviantes na corporação

The Commander General of the Police of the Republic of Mozambique, Bernardino Rafael, has issued a warning against intolerance towards police officers who engage in deviant behavior.

He warns of the greater need for vigilance against agents who opt for attitudes that tarnish the corporation and cast doubt on the quality of their work.

"We have heard and seen your report. Your work in managing and regulating, regulating and monitoring the deviant behavior of the police on the street, with all the risks you run," said the commander, speaking on Friday in Maputo City after a visit to the premises of the Internal Information Directorate of the PRM General Command.

The RM said today that the visit served as an opportunity for the Commander General of the PRM to find out about the behavioral situation of the Law and Order agents.

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