African Union summit: "Portugal wants to be a link between Africa and Europe"

Cimeira da União Africana: “Portugal quer ser elemento de ligação entre África e Europa”

Portuguese Foreign Minister João Gomes Cravinho said yesterday in Addis Ababa that Portugal wants to act as a link between Africa and Europe, as it is seen by African nations as a "middle country".

Taking stock of the more than a dozen bilateral meetings he had yesterday in the Ethiopian capital, on the sidelines of the 36th African Union Summit, João Gomes Cravinho explained to Lusa that Portugal is seen as a partner that "bridges the gap with Europe".

"They know, they don't look at us as if we were really from outside, they look at us as an intermediate country that isn't really an African country, but is a very close country," and even in cases where there are "less intense" relations, there is "this receptivity," said João Gomes Cravinho, who gave a "very positive assessment" of the meetings held.

The Portuguese Prime Minister, António Costa, will attend the summit today and tomorrow and will take part in various meetings, a sign of recognition on the part of African partners, as he will be the only non-African head of government present.

"Gaining a very detailed knowledge of the situation, for example, in the Sahel helps us a lot to explain in Brussels why and how European support can make a difference" in Africa, the minister said.

"I have no doubt whatsoever that Europe needs Africa in the same way that Africa needs Europe and peace in the Sahel region will need strong European support," but "for that to happen, there needs to be some comfort on the European side through knowledge of what is going on."

Portugal "can play this role and has been playing it. Fortunately we are not the only ones, but we are, I would say, special in this relationship," he added.

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