At a courtesy meeting held this Friday at the Mozambican Tax Authority (AT), the Secretary General of the Mozambican Chamber of Commerce (CCM), Teresa Muenda, on behalf of the private sector, asked for an extension of the date for economic agents to continue with the handwritten change of VAT from 17% to 16% in the invoice books, which have already been printed.
The request is due to the alleged printing, in large volumes, of books with a VAT of 17 %, the replacement of which could mean a loss of investment.
"Following our letter, we have come to reiterate our request for an extension of this decision in the knowledge that the deadline now expires on May 1st," said Muenda.
In response, the Directorate General of Taxation said that it had taken note of the concern and that it would be analyzed and a response given in due course.
During the meeting, the Board asked the CCM, as partners, to make business owners aware of the current constraints in paying taxes and other services required by the AT, due to the unavailability of the system as a result of some technical problems, stressing that they are working hard to overcome them.
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