Category: Agriculture

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Itália anuncia 35 milhões de euros para construção de um Centro de Transformação de Alimentos

Italy announces 35 million euros for the construction of a Food Processing Center

The Italian government announced today, Monday (08), that it will provide 35 million euros for the construction of an Agricultural Center for Food Processing in Manica, in central Mozambique. According to Italy's Director General for Cooperation and Development, Stefano Gatti, after signing the agreement with the Minister of Economy and Finance,...

Governo vai avançar com a concessão da produção de gergelim a partir da próxima campanha

Government to go ahead with sesame production concession from the next campaign

The Mozambican government, through the National Institute of Cotton and Oilseeds of Mozambique (IAOM), an institution under the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, announced a few days ago the launch of a public tender to select companies to promote and market sesame in the country. The tender is aimed at finding...

Moçambique próximo da auto-suficiência na produção de carnes

Mozambique close to self-sufficiency in meat production

Over the last five years, the country has seen an increase of 41% in national meat production, helping to reduce the deficit in meeting domestic consumption, which currently stands at an average of four percent. The data is contained in the 2023 Livestock Production Balance released yesterday, Wednesday (03), by the Ministry of Agriculture...

Quatro províncias do país registaram a pior seca dos últimos 50 anos no primeiro trimestre

Four of the country's provinces experienced the worst drought in 50 years in the first quarter

In the first quarter of this year, some districts in the provinces of Nampula, Zambézia, Sofala and Gaza experienced the worst drought in the last 50 years, as a result of the influence of the El Niño phenomenon, according to the report on the 2023/24 rainy and cyclonic season, presented last Friday (21) by the National Meteorological Institute (INAM). According to...