CAD denounces attempt to sabotage Venâncio Mondlane's candidacy

CAD denuncia tentativa de sabotagem da candidatura de Venâncio Mondlane

The Coalition for a Democratic Alliance (CAD) accuses the National Electoral Commission (CNE) of trying to sabotage Venâncio Mondlane's candidacy by notifying the political organization to overcome some irregularities in the candidacy.

The accusation stems from the fact that the National Electoral Commission had notified CAD to remedy some irregularities in its candidacy for the general elections.

In the opinion of Venâncio Mondlane's trustee, Elvino Dias, this is an attempt at sabotage, since the Coalition claims to have complied with all the legal procedures.

"They called us to tell us that we had irregularities in the application process, which is not true. We have files submitted to the CNE, with protocol stamps and everything," said Mondlane's lawyer, Elvino Dias.

Dias also says that the CNE no longer has the power to challenge any process at this stage, even if it has irregularities, because it has already been approved by the Constitutional Council.

"It doesn't make sense for a National Electoral Commission, made up of members with more than twenty years' experience, to come at this point in the electoral process to notify us about the issue of the registration of political parties, when they are aware that this phase ended on May 7th. The CNE itself has published on its website which parties are regularly registered and on the list of these parties, the CAD is there," he added.

Also according to the source, the CNE can only demand the regularization of candidates' documents at this point, only in the case of criminal records and identity cards and not party documents, as this stage has been passed and has already been published in the Official Gazette.

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