Cabo Delgado: ANAC plans to create a conservation area in Palma district

Cabo Delgado: ANAC projecta criar uma área de conservação no distrito de Palma

The National Administration of Conservation Areas (ANAC) is planning to create a Conservation Area in the district of Palma, Cabo Delgado province, to protect biodiversity.

This is due to cases of unbridled exploitation of resources at that point.

The intention was put forward last week in the city of Pemba by the institution's deputy director, Jorge Fernando, stressing that "the forest, animal and ecological potential in that district led the government to declare it a key biodiversity area".

The scene of the largest natural gas exploration investment in the country in particular, Palma has a rich biodiversity which, according to the source, quoted by Terra magazine, justifies its transformation into Cabo Delgado's second conservation area, after the Quirimbas National Park.

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