WB and EU finance road asphalting in the center and north of the country

BM e UE financiam asfaltagem de estrada no centro e norte do país

The World Bank (WB) and the European Union (EU) will finance the asphalting and rehabilitation of roads in the central and northern regions of the country.

These are about five thousand kilometers of roads, especially the stretches that connect the main production areas and the consumption centers in the central and northern regions of the country, which will be asphalted and/or rehabilitated by 2024.

For this purpose the European Union disbursed more than 120 million Euros, while the World Bank made available nearly 110 million dollars. The funds should be applied in the asphalting and rehabilitation of roads in the northern provinces and Zambézia.

The construction of various road infrastructures, such as bridges, drainage ditches, and others, is also planned.

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