Bank of Mozambique hunts down suspicious operations at commercial banks

Banco de Moçambique caça operações suspeitas em bancos comerciais

The Bank of Mozambique (BM) is said to have "infiltrated" supervisors in banks in the Mozambican financial market where their respective administrators are suspected of being involved in the laundering of more than 330 million dollars.

48 million meticais proposed for magistrates not to arrest ringleaders of the laundering of more than 330 million dollars

With the appointment of administrators, the Central Bank intends to control suspicious operations such as those that allowed the illegal outflow of more than 21 billion meticais.

The information can be found on the National Justice website, which states that the money laundering case has already led to the arrest of more suspects, in addition to the Nuro Gulam's brother.

According to the source, the money was sent to Portugal, where some of those involved in the case acted as money changers. The country served as a blue bag for these transactions, and the money was invested in real estate.

"The PGR [Attorney General's Office] has an extensive list provided by the Portuguese Judicial Police (PJ) which includes the names of several Mozambicans who have bought property in Portugal," it reads. Other properties were bought in Dubai.

Those involved must now declare the origin of the money and justify how the transfer(s) took place. In the absence of plausible arguments, the assets will revert to Portugal so that Mozambique can recover them, the source said.

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