Electrical substation failure leaves the center of the country's capital in the dark

Avaria de subestação eléctrica deixa centro da capital do País às escuras

The Central neighborhood and part of Polana Cimento, in Maputo city, have been without electricity since yesterday afternoon (08), following a breakdown in the substation that supplies the area.

According to the Chairman of the Board of Directors of Electricidade de Moçambique (EDM), Marcelino Gildo, the fault, which occurred at around 1pm, affected 10,000 consumers in Malhangalene and Coop, 6,000 of whom have already had their power restored, and the remaining customers are expected to have electricity again in the next few hours.

However, a newspaper publication News says that EDM's technical teams, led by the respective PCA, are working to ensure the resumption of normal energy supply.

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