The National Criminal Investigation Service (SERNIC) seized various types of drugs (methamphetamine, heroin and others) across the country in 2022, worth more than 126 million meticais.
These are drugs produced in the Horn of Africa countries (Ethiopia and Somalia), where consumption is not punishable, announced SERNIC inspector Augusto Bambo a few days ago in Maputo, during the presentation of the annual report entitled "Evolution of Illicit Drug Consumption and Trafficking", released by the Central Office for Drug Prevention and Combat.
According to Augusto Bambo, quoted by AIM, in terms of quantities, 1,542 kilos of cannabis sativa (aka soruma) were seized in 2022, compared to 3,348 kilos in 2021, which represents a reduction of 1,806 kilos, or 46%.
"As for heroin, 154 kilos were seized in 2022 and 759 kilos were seized the previous year. So there was a reduction of 605 kilos, which corresponds to 79 percent," said the inspector.
As for cocaine, Bambo added that 36 kilos were seized in the same period compared to 42 kilos the previous year, a reduction of just over six kilos, which corresponds to a reduction of 14%.
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