Tax Authority denies there is an employee of the institution detained for facilitating the clearance of drugs

Autoridade Tributária nega existir funcionário da instituição detido por facilitar desembaraço de drogas

The Mozambican Tax Authority (AT) says that no official has been arrested for allegedly facilitating the clearance of drugs seized on Thursday at Maputo International Airport.

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The agency states that the seizure was carried out by Customs agents assigned to the Maputo International Air Terminal, in coordination with the multisectoral team, and the goods handed over to the National Criminal Investigation Service, SERNIC.

The Tax Authority therefore reaffirms its commitment to continue collaborating with other institutions, including SERNIC, to dismantle smuggling attempts and other sophisticated forms of customs and tax crime in an exemplary manner.

The statements come in reaction to the announcement this Friday by the National Criminal Investigation Service that AT officials had been arrested for their alleged involvement in drug trafficking. (Text: Radio Mozambique)

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