Our maids arrive in the city with their bush habits, they get off the trucks and we receive them just as the masters received their slaves when they got off the slave ships. They are uncivilized girls to whom we have taught religion, trained their fingers to know how to handle a knife and fork and educated them for their profession: fetching water for our building, disposing of our feces, walking our dogs, taking the little girl to school, washing their only apron at the end of the day, buying cigarettes, cooking, never sitting in the living room and saying "Boss and Mistress".
We're as black as our maids, but when they pick up their cell phones and speak their languages we laugh, because we don't want our children to learn these languages that are as loud as dogs barking. We've taught them how to brush their teeth, we've shaved their strong hair like grass, we've whitened their skin with our air conditioning and we've introduced them to the language spoken in the city.
And who says they're slaves? They have no right to a salary, because they already eat at our expense and living in the building is already a luxury payment. From time to time we wrap up clothes we no longer use, soap, sugar, salt and expired canned food and send them to their relatives in the bush. They're not slaves, they're our servants. They only use the stairs and not the elevator.
Slaves were sold and inherited, but our maids only help out at the homes of our cousins, uncles, sisters, godchildren and when we die they call our children bosses. Slaves had owners and our maids have bosses.
There are those beautiful maids who we take to bed and teach to swallow their boss's penis with their vagina, because they don't know anything about it. Slaves were required to perform sexual services for their masters. Our maids learn from us how to make a living with their bodies. And they keep it a secret. When they get pregnant, they miscarry and rest for two days, because they are our servants and not slaves.
The selling price of slaves depended on their sex, age and physical condition, but we don't look at that. We want the youngest maids and we only hire girls and never boys.
And who says they're domestic slaves?
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