Drugs are a threat to the stability and harmonious development of the country- Filipe Nyusi

As drogas são uma ameaça à estabilidade e ao desenvolvimento harmonioso do país- Filipe Nyusi

The President of the Republic, Filipe Nyusi, says that drugs are a threat to our stability and to the harmonious development of the country because, as well as destroying the health of the consumer, they ruin families.

In a message sent on the occasion of the International Day for Combating Drug Abuse and Trafficking, which is being marked today, Nyusi also pointed out that drugs destroy the social fabric of generations, cause disruption to the economy and encourage violence and criminal activity.

The President of the Republic recognizes that the data available in Mozambique regarding the abuse and trafficking of drugs, including alcohol, especially by young people, is very worrying.

That's why, according to the Head of State, combating it requires the involvement of society as a whole, working in coordination with the authorities at every stage of the chain, from source to destination, raising awareness about its harms, and cracking down on its production, sale and use.

"Our appeal to young people and teenagers is to say NO TO DRUGS and those who are already dependent, we advise them to seek treatment. To parents, guardians and schools, we appeal for close and permanent monitoring of their children, pupils or students so that they don't fall into the networks of traffickers and consumers," said Filipe Nyusi.

However, the Head of State acknowledged the positive role played by the Office for Combating Drugs, defence and security institutions, non-governmental organizations and civil society in education and advocacy activities against illicit drug use and trafficking.

(Image: DR)

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