Sixth round of polio vaccination kicks off today

Arranca hoje sexta ronda de vacinação contra pólio

The sixth round of the polio vaccination campaign for children aged zero to 14 years and eleven months begins today. The process should cover more than nine million children by Tuesday.

This is considered the most effective public health measure to cut the transmission of the virus and protect minors. This time, the provinces of Tete, Zambézia, Manica, Nampula and Cabo Delgado will be covered.

Elisa Nambale, head of the Expanded Vaccination Program at the Ministry of Health (MISAU), was quoted by "Notícias" as saying that in Tete and Zambézia 5,754,583 children between the ages of zero and 14 years and eleven months will be vaccinated.

According to the source, in the provinces of Manica, Nampula and Cabo Delgado, 3,260,548 children between the ages of zero and 59 months will be immunized in this campaign.

It should be noted that this round of polio vaccination follows the outbreak of cases of the disease, in these parts of the country, in children aged zero months and over five years.

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