Arko Seguros promotes Seminar on the Future in Insurance Products

Arko Seguros promove Seminário sobre o Futuro nos Produtos de Seguros

The event conceptualized how cryptocurrency insurance works as well as the potential and application of insurance products through Blockchain technology.

With the aim of training partners and clients on emerging issues in the insurance market in conjunction with new technological developments covering insurance and the distribution of cryptocurrencies, due to the impact they are having on society's global transactions and finances, Arko Companhia de Seguros held a seminar on the Future of Insurance Products on September 9.

Because they are totally digital and use cryptography to guarantee transactions, insuring cryptocurrencies brings its own complexities, which can be remedied if the assets are offline and the insured has efficient risk management, where Blockchain technology makes it possible to record transactions and track assets on a network.

The seminar "blockchain and the future of insurance; and, what are cryptocurrencies and how to insure" was chaired by London Business Development Manager Andrew Hodgett, a specialist in organizational behavior in emerging markets, project management with practical notions of business communication, risk management, logistics and accounting.

On the occasion of the event, the CEO of Arko Seguros, Miguel Navarro, considered that "in a contemporary world, innovation and attention to new technological trends are crucial to maintaining relevance and significance in a highly competitive market, and we are certain that insurers play an important role in protecting the interests of the customer, This role is not separate from the current investments that have been dominating the financial market, specifically cryptocurrencies, aware of their relevance, we, Arko Seguros, believe in technology and, in this sense, we make efforts to be attentive to new trends and new technological products ".

Attended by around 50 participants, the seminar was hosted by Tiago Mugandani and Dionildo Nhabinde, representatives of Arko Companhia de Seguros, as Underwriting and Reinsurance Manager and Senior Underwriter for Insurance Brokers, respectively.

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