In subpoenaing Venâncio Mondlane, PGR acts at the service of Frelimo, argues NGO

Ao intimar Venâncio Mondlane, PGR actua à serventia da Frelimo, defende ONG

The Center for Democracy and Human Rights (CDD) believes that the Attorney General's Office (PGR) is providing political services to the Frelimo party by notifying Venâncio Mondlane of possible verbal insults against the moral integrity of other political party candidates.

For the CDD, this is particularly remarkable, since there are other cases of political intolerance involving Frelimo members whose judicial treatment is kept quiet.

"Now, taking into account the political moment the country is going through, the PGR's action is being understood as the use of justice as a weapon for political ends, in other words, that the PGR is being used by the Frelimo party, to which the PR belongs, to attack its opponent. This idea takes shape if we take into account that last year, three members of Frelimo, including a member of parliament, were filmed destroying propaganda material for the Mozambique Democratic Movement (MDM) and, at the same time, giving speeches of political intolerance in Homoíne, Inhambane province, during the electoral campaign for the Municipal Elections," reads the bulletin published by the CDD on Mozambican Politics.

A year later, Frelimo members, including the MP, continue to live with impunity, which feeds the feeling that the PGR is not acting because they are Frelimo members, concludes the civil society organization.

The same document mentions two cases in which the judiciary acted on the Renamo party, Frelimo's opposition: when it ordered the suspension from office for four months and banned the right to demonstrate of the former mayor of the city of Nampula, Paulo Vahanle, in December 2023. And, in the same period, the house arrest and suspension from office of the former mayor of the city of Nacala, Raúl Novinte, and his advisor, Arlindo Chissale.

The CDD notes that "in Mozambique, although article 134 of the CRM states that there is separation of powers, in practice, the President of the Republic, as Head of Government (executive power), has total control over the Courts and the Public Prosecutor's Office".

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