Analysts question the experience that Mozambique, as a non-permanent member of the United Nations Security Council, promises to transmit for conflict resolution, because the way it has always managed its internal conflicts has been problematic.
The Mozambican authorities say they want to capitalize on this issue, because Mozambicans have known how to solve their conflicts through dialogue, but analyst Lucas Ubisse disagrees, because "in Cabo Delgado, the bet is on the military way as a way to end the war.
The same opinion is shared by analyst Manuel Alves, for whom, although the government has signed peace agreements with Renamo, there have always been problems in their implementation, so it is problematic, he stressed, to try to transmit its experience to other nations.
For his part, José Manteigas, MP and Renamo spokesman, complained of violations of the various agreements signed with the government, "including two assassination attempts on the late Renamo leader Afonso Dhlakama in Sofala and Manica" after the signing of the General Peace Agreement in 1992.
Analysts also criticize the position that Mozambique has taken in the United Nations, regarding the Russian-Ukrainian conflict.
But Ambassador Pedro Comissário, says that the criticism doesn't make sense, because Mozambique defends negotiation as the solution to the problem.
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