Text taken from the newspaper Domingo. All credits reserved to the original publication "There are husbands who hide to count money“
The subject of money has caused a lot of pain in families. Some grandmothers who spoke to the Domingo newspaper have already denounced the fact that some husbands leave 50 meticais at home, but tear up portions of chicken until they dislocate their dentures and jaws, because they eat so much when they are away from home, i.e. at work.
In fact, Grandma Aventina Mondlane returned to this issue to explain the "bad" behavior of men when it comes to "din din". She says that, as stingy and selfish as they are, "when they are at home and the woman asks them for money, they hide in some corners where - as Grandma said - 'vahumesa a xidjumba xamale' (they take out bundles of money) and count it there by themselves, so that the woman doesn't know how much money they have". For Grandma Aventina, "it's ugly. I even tell my children not to do this with women. They shouldn't hide or hide how much money they have. We have to manage it together, deciding what to buy, how much goes to the shiitake, and what to keep for day-to-day management".
I hand over my entire salary
Reacting to the topic of discussion about husbands who hide money from their wives, grandfather Arnaldo Matsinhe, who lives in Maputo, told Domingo that "I don't do that!". As he said, when the machines change and the salary falls into his account or pocket, "I take all the salary and give it to my wife. She does the household shopping and pays the bills". However, to get a taste of his sweat, "I leave about 50/100 meticais in my pocket, but I never hide what's left for me from my wife," said grandpa Arnaldo Matsinhe.
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