Adriano Maleiane defends revision of the country's anti-drugs law

Adriano Maleiane defende revisão da lei do combate à droga no país

The Prime Minister, Adriano Maleiane, said today, Friday (12), that one of the main challenges in preventing and combating drugs is the revision of the 1997 law, which is inadequate.

According to the government official quoted by Sunday newspaperSpeaking during the first session of the Council for Preventing and Combating Drugs, he said that "drugs are a threat to national security, as well as to social stability".

During the meeting, which took place behind closed doors, with the aim of monitoring the degree of implementation of the Policy and Strategy for Preventing and Combating Drugs and the National Strategy on Illicit Drugs and Other Psychoactive Substances (ENSDIOSP), it was highlighted that last year alone, 78.57 kg of cocaine were seized; 600 kg of heroin, and 1853 kg of cannabbis sativa (soruma).

Meanwhile, for the period 2014 - 2023, 48,245.564 kg of cannabis sativa, 3,340.085 kg of methamphetamine, 1,800.712 kg of heroin, 897.76 kg of mandrax and 378.636 kg of cocaine were seized.


(Photo DR)

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