Teenagers as young as 14 forge documents to register in Niassa

Adolescentes de 14 anos falsificam documentos para se recensear em Niassa

The Center for Public Integrity (CIP), through its Elections Bulletin, denounces the falsification of personal documents by people who are not yet qualified to register.

According to the document, five teenagers were caught at the Malila Comprehensive Primary School, 3 km from the town of Majune, with adulterated personal banknotes.

The bulletin describes that the teenagers used pens to change a digit and thus increase their age in order to obtain a voter registration card.

The police became aware of what had happened, intervened and threatened them with arrest, but none of them were detained.

Another aspect is that the office doesn't currently print cards.

"They register the voters and print the cards the next day. They claim that the panels don't charge enough, a fact that is aggravated by the rain," we read.

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