Teenager sentenced to life in prison for knife murder

Adolescente condenado à prisão perpétua por assassínio com recurso à faca

A 17-year-old teenager was sentenced this Tuesday to life imprisonment without the possibility of parole for at least 19 years, after it was proven that he killed a 14-year-old boy in 2021.

The defendant was also identified today, following a request from British publications to do so. It was also the first time that the conviction of a young man by the Central Criminal Court in London was broadcast on television in the UK and Scotland.

After agreeing to the young man being identified, the judge said, quoted by Sky News, that showing "the serious nature of this crime as well as the increase in knife crime" was more important than protecting the defendant's identity.

It all happened on November 18, 2021, when the victim, a 14-year-old boy, was involved in an argument in the London suburb of Croydon.

While this was going on, the now convicted 16-year-old approached the victim, Jermaine Cools, and stabbed her seven times. According to the judge, he did so "without mercy". According to the judge, the convicted man, Marques Walker, represents a risk to the public.

According to Ao Minuto, footage captured shows the moment the victim is stabbed with a long knife that the attacker had hidden in his jacket. Marques Walker managed to flee the scene, and was found six weeks later during another search operation.

The victim was taken to hospital, but was unable to resist his injuries.

The young man considered himself innocent until this week, when he pleaded guilty to the murder. (News)

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