Portuguese government overthrown

Governo português derrubado

The Portuguese government was overthrown yesterday following Parliament's rejection of the motion of confidence ordering its resignation.

According to the local press, the vote implies the fall of the government, which has already been communicated to the President of the Republic, Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa.

Because of the fall of the government, the Portuguese President has decided to call the political parties with parliamentary representation to a hearing this Wednesday and the Council of State to a meeting on Thursday at the Belém Palace.

The PS, Chega, BE, PCP, Livre and PAN voted against the motion of confidence. In favor were PSD, CDS-PP and the Liberal Initiative.

According to the press, the crisis that brought down Portugal's prime minister, Luís Montenegro, was triggered by a scandal involving a consultancy firm owned by his family, which led to accusations of a conflict of interest.

It is President Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa who should decide to dissolve the Assembly of the Republic and call new elections.

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