Executive optimistic that 100-day governance plan will be fully implemented

Executivo optimista no cumprimento integral do plano de 100 dias de governação

Yesterday, the Executive assured that the plan for the first 100 days of the government formed by the President of the Republic, Daniel Chapo, will be carried out in full.

"We can assure you that the plan for the first hundred days will be fulfilled in full" because the indicators are more than halfway there, according to the government spokesman

Inocêncio Impissa pointed out that the 77 actions set out in the plan are monitored by 96 indicators, 68 of which point to an achievement of between 50% and 100%.

Nevertheless, 18 indicators do not show satisfactory balances after 54 days of governance, as their achievement is between 25% and 49%. Another ten indicators are below 24% of implementation.

The achievements to which the government referred were the construction of water supply systems, the installation of courts and the allocation of the Catalytic Fund for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises.

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