EN1: ANE seeks contractor to repair Incoluane-Xai-Xai section

EN1: ANE procura empreiteiro para reparação do Troço Incoluane-Xai-Xai

The National Road Administration (ANE) is looking for a contractor to carry out repair work on the section of National Road Number One (N1) between the town of Incoluane, in the district of Bilene, and Xai-Xai, in Gaza, a stretch of approximately 80 kilometers.

The works, according to News are subdivided into two phases, the first being localized repair in critical areas, lasting approximately 18 months, and the second routine maintenance, which will take two years.

An ANE source quoted by the newspaper said that the work could affect traffic on some of the most critical stretches, where it is necessary to cut the road for resealing and/or reconstruction, which could lead to detours being created.

In addition to these emergency interventions, ANE has been intervening to guarantee the circulation of vehicles on various stretches of road, in particular the 3 de Fevereiro-Incoluane route, which is 17 kilometers long; Chissibuca-Lindela, 132; and Gorongosa-Muera, 65.

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