EU wants to provide technical assistance for electoral reform

UE quer dar assistência técnica à reforma eleitoral

Having verified the irregularities throughout the electoral process, which by the way generated a wave of protest never seen before in the country's history, the European Union (EU) wants to provide technical assistance for electoral reform in the country.

For this to happen, the EU EOM believes that it is first necessary to define measures aimed at strengthening democratic institutions in Mozambique.

"In the coming days I will continue to meet in a committed manner with different political forces and the presidential candidates, including Venâncio Mondlane, as well as the authorities and representatives of civil society," said the head of the EU EOM, Laura Ballarín, after being received by the President of the Republic, Daniel Chapo, quoted by Noticias.

Ballarín was speaking after a meeting with the Head of State to deliver the final report of the October 9 general elections.

The document also includes 18 recommendations aimed at strengthening and improving future electoral processes, in line with Mozambique's international commitments.


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